30th January 2018
Updated ECDIS 4.0 now available for download
The latest 4.0 Reference cards for the Type Specific Manufacturers are now available to download at www.emaritimeshop.com.
The eMaritime Group have published a three minute video explaining how these non-profit procedure cards work at the above link.
Managing Director Mark Broster from ECDIS, which is part of the eMaritime Group, stated “We appreciate the significant effort and help received from hundreds of shipping companies, manufacturers and OEMs that have supported their production. They are designed to help keep ships stay safe and prepare for 2018 S52 4.0 ECDIS audits and inspections.”
For further information:
George Ward
Ground Floor
Atlantic 3600 Building Parkway
Solent Business Park
PO15 7AN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1489 559677
Email: ward@ecdis.org
Web: www.ecdis.org