
MaxSea and ECDIS Development

MaxSea and ECDIS Development

Ecdis Ltd’s partnership with MaxSea continues to flourish.  This month Mal Instone, Director of Operations conducted training in Biarritz on their latest product, Time Zero.  Time Zero replaces MaxSea Version 12 and is an entirely new look utilising new technologies.  The essence of Time Zero is the ability to seamlessly zoom from the world chart to the largest scale chart in a heartbeat.  Other attributes include a superb weather feature, aided in design by Michel Desjoyeaux, Vendée Globe winner.  MaxSea software has free and unlimited access to worldwide meteorological forecasts.  A weather forecast is requested from MaxSea and is received by email.  This data is fed into the system and the result is a weather picture overlay.  The user can then advance the weather overlay to see how it will affect the boat over the route.  The really clever part however, is that the system will analyse the data to predict the best route to your destination, given the conditions.

Time Zero is a superb tool for yachtsman, leisure and fishermen alike.  The software facilitates 3D charting and image overlay utilising mapmedia charts.  By viewing the chart in 3D the user is able to get a perspective like no other, with depths and heights allowing greater understanding of the surrounding environment.  If that was not enough there is the ability to overlay this with 3D satellite imagery.  Always looking to improve their product MaxSea are working on 3D technology that uses live echo sounder and sonar data to paint an accurate picture of the sea bed.  This data is overlayed on a 3D Raster or Vector chart so that the two may be compared. Although Time Zero does not contain as many features as Version 12 at present, work is ongoing to incorporate them into future updates.  Whether you are yacht racing, commercial or more leisure inclined, MaxSea Time Zero is a superb tool worth consideration for all your navigation needs.

Ecdis Ltd are exclusive MaxSea trainers in the UK. However, given the sophistication of MaxSea software we would also be very interested in utilising our expertise to work closely with MaxSea in developing their systems to full IMO approved ECDIS status. 

A demo of Time Zero can be seen on our website on the Associates & Partners page.

 Written by Mal Instone of Ecdis Ltd